Replace the standard Windows traceroute tool and access some additional process and file information. The utility writes down the host or the IP, hostname, TTL and time chart, selects the maximum hoops and the timeout period and as well as the task completion time.
FREE Visual replacement for the standard trace route utility. This software is the fastest way to get the route between your computer and any other computer in the world. This utility can quickly trace a route from your computer to any other device. A utility that traces a packet from your computer to an Internet host, showing how many hops the packet requires to reach the host and how long each hop takes. If you're visiting a Web site and pages are appearing slowly, you can use traceroute to figure out where the longest delays are occurring. Visual Trace Route utility work by sending packets with low time-to-live (TTL) fields. The TTL value specifies how many hops the packet is allowed before it is returned. When a packet can't reach its destination because the TTL value is too low, the last host returns the packet and identifies itself. By sending a series of packets and incrementing the TTL value with each successive packet, traceroute finds out who all the intermediary hosts are. You can start Visual Trace Route from the desktop icon, or from the program group manager of the start menu. Also, you can start Visual Trace Route is from Command Prompt. First, start Command Prompt from the Start/Run menu. Very easy to use interface. Incredible tracing speed. Complete control of tracing parameters. Detailed and complete results of the tracing process. Real time results in text and graphical mode. Complete documentation. Desktop and start menu launching. Command prompt launching. Command prompt launching WITH parameters. It's FREE. Visual Trace Route is easy to use, cool designed, friendly interface, very fast in tracing routes, and it's free.
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